Post by leotachy on Jul 29, 2017 11:18:24 GMT
Woitek, you are amazing. Your hard work is really appreciated. You could open patreon for yourself, im sure that this community would support you.
Post by Woitek on Jul 29, 2017 11:31:39 GMT
Being serious? I would prefer more active community, right now there are maybe ten active users on this site ;/. We need also more people with fantasies like xavomel. Money would not make me happier, in best case scenario it could save me a bit of time.
Post by leotachy on Jul 29, 2017 12:09:45 GMT
Yes, im serious. This community is tiny, but you really deserve something. All your hard work and effort put into this.
Post by Woitek on Jul 29, 2017 13:01:13 GMT
Well, I have an idea. Can someone make for me image for the launcher? in format 16:9, not must be big, around 300x something. ""As form of donation, of course"".
Post by Pseudorizer on Jul 29, 2017 15:30:19 GMT
What do you mean by fantasies? Does that mean someone who has skills or someone who has ideas cause I'd love to help him with that editor but knowledge is the issue. Also I'd happily do that banner, I'd say I'm quite good with Photoshop but I'm still on holiday till the 4th.
Also I'm serious when I say I really would like to help develop a mod like that. It would be so interesting to discover new ways to play the game.
Lastly, I absolutely agree a bigger community to interact with would be great.
Post by Woitek on Jul 29, 2017 16:28:14 GMT
I mean by fantasies some kind of activity. For example, some people can make textures, some models, some can test software created by other users, or some can just decode stuff =). Before I started writting code for Bsp Viewer, I had small experience in writting such a programs, so everyone with a bit of fantasy can make something cool or usefull for community.
Post by leotachy on Jul 30, 2017 19:42:39 GMT
I was testing some things in bonus mission, and i was thinking, about the ice scream man? He appears in mortal folder in ghost master game files. You can also human torch him. Is he a hidden mortal? He can also catch ghosts
Maybe with your mortal editing we can add him to a different scenario?
Post by Woitek on Jul 30, 2017 20:10:36 GMT
He is a special scripted object, so you can't make him work like a mortal, but it's possible to use that script in other mission.
Post by Twintania on Jul 31, 2017 3:15:25 GMT
im glad you can play the bonus mission, I never got it working on my PC's cuz its not available for the US version. From what I remember Nemesis and some other people told me it wasnt easy or possible to make it work on the US version
Post by Woitek on Jul 31, 2017 6:45:21 GMT
Lol, all you need to do is replace exe.